Saturday, March 2, 2013

stip0001-Selection tips in Softimage

1. Press the T key to invoke the Point  mode. To select the multiple points, marque the selection that points  you want to select.

2. Pressing the CTRL key to combining the selection. Press the SPACEBAR key to go back to the object mode.

3. In Polygon mode, press the Y key to invoke the rectangle selection mode.

4. In Edge mode, press the I key to invoke the Raycast mode selection for edges. Select an edge of the object and then hold the ALT key and click middle mouse on second edge to select the entire edge.

5. In the Edge mode, if you hold the ALT button and click on the parallel edge, it will select the edge ring.

6. Select the object and press the U key to invoke the Raycast Polygon mode. Hold the ALT key and click on the polygons to select entire polygon loop.

7. For limited selection of edges in the Edge mode, hold the ALT key and select first edge and then last edge of the object. Same process follow in Raycast Polygon selection mode.

 You can apply all these selection process with the Point mode.

8. Press the F11 key to invoke the Paint selection tool. It will allow you to select the polygons, points, and edges of the object by using a brush. To changing the shape of the brush press the R Key.